Custom Lookup with multiple choices in CRM 2011


With the link above u can manage to do lookup with multiple entity toward it.

CRM 2011 Filtering Records In The Subgrid


This filtering record in subgrid really take my time. This is what i do to filter the subgrid records. 

1. I created two entity (Properties and Project). Relation 1:N (Project : Properties). Where one Project lookup will occur in properties form design.

2. I hidden the project lookup because i wanted it to show in properties view. As i know if there are no properties field then it is impossible to show in properties view. The reason why there are project lookup is because i wanted the subgrid to filter by project lookup.

3. I created a subgrid in property and name it as SubgridProjects.

4. After finish created the form in properties with project lookup(hidden) and Subgrid of project. Its time to do some scripting then.

5. Create a new script (example: GPSB_Subgrid.js).

6. Add in script. Note: Make sure u do your changes correctly to make sure it work.

7. Go to form properties add in the script to the form and on event handlers add updateSubGrid function on OnLoad event. 

8. Last save and publish the form and entity. Below would be the screenshot taken during my progress including process to Create Subgrid, Script on Subgrid, Form Preview and Result.

Insert Subgrid Method
The form will look like this after u created the subgrid. 
Re modify the script according to what u named them. 
Form properties create script and add function to Onload Event.
My Result........
The project will be the subgrid where the record filter by one hidden project lookup value. It is disable because the subgrid act as a view to view the project record.

How to Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011


How to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 (en-US).

This guild include step by step with pictures of the installation process of Dynamics CRM Server 2011.
--> Here.

Repeat Table Header On Each Page Of The Report


In the SSRS 2008,  table headers won’t repeat on every page by default when you print or export or print preview the report. To configure the repeat table header in this scenario, you can change the xml behind the RDL file.

Search for TablixRowHierarchy for the given Tablix control and look for the section with a TablixMember and KeepWithGroup
              <Group Name=”Details2″ />
Update the TablixMember with two additional element properties – RepeatOnNewPage and KeepTogether.
              <Group Name=”Details2″ />
Save the RDL file and repeating header rows should be visible when you print preview, print, or export the report.
Table headers will repeat on every page by default when you print, print preview, or export the report.
Haven Tested yet. Will test soon as i get this information from Google. If possible to work i will upload the step soon.

SSRS 2008


SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 Beginning of SSRS 2008.

CRM 2011


Customer Relationship Management 2011 Beginning of CRM 2011.